

Introduction to VLF
Introduction to VLFIntroduction to Whistler Waves in the Magnetosphere
The History of Very Low Frequency (VLF) Radio Research at Stanford

Antarctic Research

Autonomous, Ultra-low Power Receiver Design
Ultra-low Power Receiver Front-End Design
VLF Transmitter at Siple Station, Antarctica
Whistler-mode Wave Studies at Palmer Station, Antarctica

Lightning and Related Phenomena

Electric Field Remote Sensing
Global Lightning Geo-Location
Lightning Modeling
Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
Transient Luminous Events
Wavelet analysis of sferics

Magnetospheric Dynamics​

Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging of the Plasmasphere
The Radio Plasma Imager

Numerical Techniques​

The Discontinuous Galerkin Method

Whistler-mode Waves and Wave-Particle Interactions​​

Automated Detection of Whistlers for the TARANIS Spacecraft
Experiments with the HAARP Ionospheric Heater
Ground Observations of Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation
Modeling VLF Transmission Antennas in Plasmas

Whistler-mode Waves and Wave-Particle Interactions

Satellite Observations of Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation
The Generation of Magnetospheric Chorus Emissions

VLF Remote Sensing

Gamma-ray Burst Effects on the Ionosphere
Subsurface Detection
Transmitter-Induced Precipitation of Radiation Belt Electrons