

Smith, RL Polarization of Proton Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research
Dunckel, N, Ficklin, B, Rorden, L, Helliwell, RA Low-frequency noise observed in the distant magnetosphere with OGO 1. Journal of Geophysical Research PDF


Landmark, BJ, Thomas, JO Plasma Waves in Space and in the Laboratory Plasma Waves in Space and in the Laboratory
Lasch, S, Carpenter, DL An Effect of a Transmitter Frequency Increase on the Occurrence of VLF Noise Triggered near L = 3 in the Magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Burtis, WJ, Helliwell, RA Banded chorus – A new type of VLF radiation observed in the magnetosphere by OGO 1 and OGO 3. Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Heyborne, RL, Smith, RL, Helliwell, RA Latitudinal Cutoff of VLF Signals in the Ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Carpenter, DL, Taylor Jr. HA, Brinton, HC, Bonner, FM, Heyborne, RL Ion Depletion in the High-Latitude Exosphere; Simultaneous OGO 2 Observations of the Light Ion Trough and the VLF Cutoff Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Low-frequency waves in the magnetosphere. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics PDF
Angerami, JJ, Walter, F Nonducted Mode of VLF Propagation between Conjugate Hemispheres; Observations on OGO’s 2 and 4 of the `Walking-Trace’ Whistler and of Doppler Shifts in Fixed Frequency Transmissions Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Lasch, S Unique Features of VLF Noise Triggered in the Magnetosphere by Morse-Code Dots from NAA Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Dunckel, N, Helliwell, RA Whistler-Mode Emissions on the OGO 1 Satellite Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Kitamura, T, Jacobs, JA, Watanabe, T, Flint, Jr. RB An Investigation of Quasi-Periodic VLF Emissions Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Smith, RL VLF Observations of Auroral Beams as Sources of a Class of Emissions Nature PDF
Wang, TNC Radiation resistance of a short dipole immersed in a cold magnetoionic medium Radio Science PDF
Wang, T On VLF radiation fields along the static magnetic field from sources immersed in a magnetoplasma IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation PDF
Carpenter, DL, Taylor Jr. HA, Brinton, HC Multi-experiment detection of the plasmapause from EOGO satellites and antarctic ground stations. Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
whistler measurements of the equatorial profile of magnetospheric electron density Progress in radio Science 1960-1963
Carpenter, DL, Stone, K, Lasch, S A Case of Artificial Triggering of VLF Magnetospheric Noise during the Drift of a Whistler Duct across Magnetic Shells Journal of Geophysical Research PDF


Unducted Whistler Evidence for a Secondary Peak in the Electron Energy Spectrum near 10 Kev Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Kitamura, T Investigation of Quasi-periodic VLF Emissions and their relation to Geomagnetic Micropulsations Nature PDF
Ion Cutoff Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Walter, F, Barrington, RE, McEwen, DJ Alouette 1 and 2 Observations of Abrupt Changes in Whistler Rate and of VLF Noise Variations at the Plasmapause; A Satellite-Ground Study Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Smith, RL, Angerami, JJ Magnetospheric Properties Deduced from OGO 1 Observations of Ducted and Nonducted Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
A comment on ray tracing in an anisotropic medium Radio Science PDF
Interpretation of Auroral Hiss Measured on OGO 2 and at Byrd Station in Terms of Incoherent Cerenkov Radiation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Ducted Whistler-Mode Propagation in the Magnetosphere: A Half-Gyrofrequency Upper Intensity Cutoff and Some Associated Wave Growth Phenomena Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Recent research on the magnetospheric plasmapause Radio Science
McClay, JF Whistlers and VLF Emissions Physics of the Magnetosphere
Artificial Production of VLF Hiss Journal of Geophysical Research PDF


Relations between the Dawn Minimum in the Equatorial Radius of the Plasmapause and Dst, Kp, and Local K at Byrd Station Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
A Theory of Discrete VLF Emissions from the Magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Price, GH The propagation of electromagnetic waves into anisotropic media from an external point-dipole source Radio Science PDF
Stone, K Direct detection by a Whistler method of the magnetospheric electric field associated with a polar substorm Planetary and Space Science PDF


Whistler Studies of the Plasmapause in the Magnetosphere, 1, Temporal Variations in the Position of the Knee and Some Evidence on Plasma Motions near the Knee Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Angerami, JJ Whistler Studies of the Plasmapause in the Magnetosphere, 2, Electron Density and Total Tube Electron Content near the Knee in Magnetospheric Ionization Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Ungstrup, E Association between VLF Emissions and Flickering Aurora Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Morozumi, HM, Helliwell, RA A Correlation Study of the Diurnal Variation of Upper Atmospheric Phenomena in the Southern Auroral Zone Scientific Report No 2 PDF
Kimura, I Effects of ions on whistler-mode raytracing Radio Science PDF
Very-low-frequency phenomena Antarctic Journal of U.S. PDF
Carpenter, GB, Katsufrakis, JP, Kimura, I Midlatitude Observations of Nighttime VLF Signal-Amplitude Anomalies Associated with Magnetic Bays Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
VLF noise of magnetospheric origin, Progress in Scientific Radio, 1963-1966 National Academy of Sciences Publ. PDF
Smith, RL, Kimura, I, Vigneron, J, Katsufrakis, JP Lower Hybrid Resonance Noise and a New Ionospheric Duct Journal of Geophysical Research PDF


Dunckel, N A Dispersion Anomaly in Whistlers Received on Alouette 1 Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Guthart, H An anisotropic electron velocity distribution for the cyclotron absorption of whistlers and VLF emissions Radio Science
Gurnett, DA, Shawhan, SD, Brice, NM, Smith, RL Ion Cyclotron Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Guthart, H Nose whistler dispesion as a measure of magnetosphere electron temperature Radio Science
Brice, NM, Smith, RL Lower Hybrid Resonance Emissions Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Horner, F Rept. of the Chairman of Commission IV (Radio Noise of Terrestrial Origin) Progress in Radio Science 1960-63
Generation of VLF radio noise in the ionosphere by energetic particle streams Space Research V, North Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam PDF
Mlodnosky, RF, Rorden, LH Daytime Whistler-Mode Attenuation through the Lower Ionosphere at 15.5 Kc as Measured on Explorer VI during Launch Trajectory NASA Special Publication