

Walt, M, Voss, HD, Pickett, JS Electron precipitation coincident with ELF/VLF wave bursts Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Mende, SB, Frey, HU, Rairden, R, Su, HT, Hsu, R-R, Allin, TH, Neubert, T, Gerken, EA, Inan, US Fine Structure of Sprites and Proposed Global Observations Space Weather Study Using Multipoint Techniques PDF
Clilverd, MA, Nunn, D, Lev-Tov, S, Inan, US, Dowden, RL, Rodger, CJ, Smith, AJ Determining the size of lightning-induced electron precipitation patches Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Wood, T, Inan, US Long-range tracking of thunderstorms using sferic measurements Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres) PDF
Pasko, V, Stanley, MA, Mathews, JD, Inan, US, Wood, T Electrical discharge from a thundercloud top to the lower ionosphere Nature PDF
Fung, S, Benson, RF, Green, JL, Haines, DM, Galkin, IA, Bougerer, JL, Manning, R, Reiff, P, Carpenter, DL, Taylor, WWL, Gallagher, DL Observations of magnetospheric plasmas by the radio plasma imager (RPI) on the image mission Advances in Space Research PDF
Veronis, G, Inan, US Simulation studies of the coplanar electrode and other plasma display panel cell designs Journal of Applied Physics PDF
Inan, US A survey of streamer and diffuse glow dynamics observed in sprites using telescopic imagery Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF


Pasko, V, Inan, US Mesosphere-troposphere coupling due to sprites Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Veronis, G, Inan, US, Pasko, V He-Xe microdischarges: Comparison of simulation results with experimental data Applied Physics Letters PDF
Hospodarsky, GB, Averkamp, TF, Kurth, WS, Gurnett, DA, Dougherty, M, Inan, US, Wood, T Wave normal and Poynting vector calculations using the Cassini radio and plasma wave instrument Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Barrington-Leigh, CP, Inan, US, Stanley, M Identification of sprites and elves with intensified video and broadband array photometry Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Lehtinen, NG, Inan, US Effects of thunderstorm-driven runaway electrons in the conjugatehemisphere: Purple sprites, ionization enhancements, and gamma rays Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Walt, M, Voss, HD, Lev-Tov, S, Mobilia, J, Jahn, JM Diffusion of 155 to 430 keV protons in the Earth’s radiation belt Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Inan, US Precipitation of radiation belt electrons induced by obliquely propagating lightning-generated whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Lorentzen, KR, Blake, JB, Inan, US, Bortnik, J Observations of relativistic electron microbursts in association with VLF chorus Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Sonwalkar, VS, Chen, X, Harikumar, J, Carpenter, DL Whistler-mode wave-injection experiments in the plasmasphere with a radio sounder Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics PDF
Carpenter, DL, Smith, AJ The study of bulk plasma motions and associated electric fields in the plasmasphere by means of whistler-mode signals Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics PDF
Walt, M, Voss, HD Losses of ring current ions by strong pitch angle scattering Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Gurnett, DA, Huff, RL, Pickett, JS, Persoon, AM, Mutel, RL, Christopher, IW, Kletzing, CA, Inan, US, Martin, WL, Bougeret, JL, Alleyne, HSC, Yearby, KH First results from the Cluster wideband plasma wave investigation Annales Geophysicae PDF
Reinisch, BW, Huang, X, Haines, DM, Galkin, IA, Green, JL, Benson, RF, Fung, S, Taylor, WWL, Reiff, P, Gallagher, DL, Bougeret, JL, Manning, R, Carpenter, DL, Boardsen, SA First results from the Radio Plasma Imager on IMAGE Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Anderson, PC, Carpenter, DL, Tsuruda, K, Mukai, T, Rich, FJ Multisatellite observations of rapid subauroral ion drifts (SAID) Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Blake, JB, Inan, US, Walt, M, Bortnik, J, Chenette, DL, Christian, HJ Lightning-induced energetic electron flux enhancements in the drift loss cone Journal of Geophysical Research PDF


Salvati, MA, Inan, US, Rosenberg, TJ, Weatherwax, AT Solar wind control of polar chorus Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Veronis, G, Inan, US, Pasko, V Fundamental properties of inert gas mixtures for plasma display panels IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PDF
Cummer, SA, Inan, US Modeling ELF radio atmospheric propagation and extracting lightning currents from ELF observations Radio Science PDF
Cummer, SA, Inan, US Ionospheric E region remote sensing with ELF radio atmospherics Radio Science PDF
Taylor, WWL, Boardsen, SA, Reinisch, BW, Taylor Jr. HA, Haines, DM, Bibl, K, Cheney, G, Galkin, IA, Huang, X, Myers, SH, Sales, GS, Benson, RF, Fung, S, Green, JL, Bougeret, JL, Manning, R, Meyer-Vernet, N, Moncuquet, M, Carpenter, DL, Gallagher, DL, Reiff, P The Radio Plasma Imager investigation on the IMAGE spacecraft Space Science Reviews PDF
Sampath, HT, Inan, US, Johnson, MP Recovery signatures and occurrence properties of lightning-associated subionospheric VLF perturbations Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Green, JL, Benson, RF, Fung, S, Taylor, WWL, Boardsen, SA, Reinisch, BW, Haines, DM, Bibl, K, Cheney, G, Galkin, IA, Huang, X, Myers, SH, Sales, GS, Bougeret, JL, Manning, R, Meyer-Vernet, N, Moncuquet, M, Carpenter, DL, Gallagher, DL, Reiff, P Radio plasma imager simulations and measurements Space Science Reviews PDF
Lehtinen, NG, Inan, US Trapped energetic electron curtains produced by thunderstorm driven relativistic runaway electrons Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Fung, S, Benson, RF, Carpenter, DL, Reinisch, BW, Gallagher, DL Investigations of irregularities in remote plasma regions by radio sounding: applications of the radio plasma imager on image Space Science Reviews PDF
Johnson, MP, Inan, US Sferic Clusters Associated with Early/Fast VLF Events Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Helliwell, RA Triggering of whistler mode emissions by the band-limited impulse(BLI) associated with amplified Vlf signals from Siple Station, Antarctica Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Gerken, EA, Inan, US, Barrington-Leigh, CP Telescopic imaging of sprites Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Inan, US, Helliwell, RA, Scudder, JD Simultaneous triggered VLF emissions and energetic electron distributions observed on POLAR with PWI and HYDRA Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Carpenter, DL, Anderson, RR, Calvert, W, Moldwin, MB CRRES observations of density cavities inside the plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Pasko, V, Inan, US Fractal structure of sprites Geophysical Research Letters PDF


Inan, US Poleward-displaced electron precipitation from lightning-generated oblique whistlers Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Lehtinen, NG, Inan, US Monte Carlo simulation of runaway MeV electron breakdown with application to red sprites and terrestrial gamma ray flashes Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Imhof, WL, Anderson, RR, Chenette, DL, Mobilia, J, Petrinec, SM, Walt, M The correlation of rapid AKR variations with changes in the fluxes of precipitating electrons Advances in Space Research PDF
Demirkol, MK, Inan, US, Kanekal, SG, Wilkinson, DC Ionospheric effects of relativistic electron enhancement events Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Johnson, MP, Inan, US Subionospheric VLF signatures of oblique (nonducted) whistler-induced precipitation Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Barrington-Leigh, CP, Inan, US, Stanley, M, Cummer, SA Sprites triggered by negative lightning discharges Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Barrington-Leigh, CP, Inan, US Elves triggered by positive and negative lightning discharges Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Reising, S, Inan, US ELF sferic energy as a proxy indicator for sprite occurrence Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Pasko, V, Inan, US Mesospheric electric field transients due to tropospheric lightning discharges Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Veronis, G, Pasko, V, Inan, US Characteristics of mesospheric optical emissions produced by lighting discharges Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Johnson, MP, Inan, US, Lev-Tov, S Scattering pattern of lightning-induced ionospheric disturbances associated with early/fast VLF events Geophysical Research Letters PDF


Showen, RL, Slingeland, A Measuring lightning-induced ionospheric effects with incoherent scatter radar or with cross-modulation Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics PDF