

Helliwell, RA The role of the Gendrin mode of VLF propagation in the generation of magnetospheric emissions Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Lev-Tov, S, Inan, US Altitude profiles of localized D region density disturbances produced in lightning-induced electron precipitation events Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Calvert, W, Benson, RF, Carpenter, DL, Fung, S, Gallagher, DL, Green, JL, Haines, DM, Reiff, P, Reinisch, BW, Smith, MF, Taylor, WWL The feasibility of radio sounding in the magnetosphere Radio Science PDF
Sonwalkar, VS Chapter 13 of Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics
Pasko, V, Inan, US, Taranenko, YN Heating, ionization and upward discharges in the mesosphere due to intense quasi-electrostatic thundercloud fields Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Inan, US, Danielson, MT, Cummer, SA VLF signatures of ionospheric heating by HIPAS Radio Science PDF
Rosenberg, TJ, Singh, S, Wu, CS, LaBelle, J, Treumann, RA, Inan, US, Lanzerotti, L Coincident bursts of auroral kilometric radiation and VLF emissions associted with a type 3 solar radio noise event Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Inan, US, Pasko, V, Sentman, D, Wescott, EM, Lyons, WA VLF signatures of ionospheric disturbances associated with sprites Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Sonwalkar, VS, Inan, US An interpretation of a mysterious 3.0- to 4.6-kHz emission band observed on Voyager 2 near Neptune Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Carpenter, DL Earth’s plasmasphere awaits rediscovery EOS Transactions
Sonwalkar, VS, Carpenter, DL Notes on the diversity of the properties of radio bursts observed on the nightside of Venus Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics


Inan, US, Lauben, DS, Sonwalkar, VS, Helliwell, RA, Sobolev, YP, Chmyrev, VM, Gonzalez, S DE-1 and COSMOS 1809 observations of lower hybrid waves excited by VLF whistler mode waves Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Shafer, DC, Brown, AD, Trabucco, WJ, Inan, US A programmable and low-power ELF/VLF receiver for automatic geophysical observatories Antarctic Journal of the United States
Morrison, K, Engebretson, MJ, Beck, JR, Johnson, JE, Arnoldy, RL, Cahill, Jr. LJ, Carpenter, DL, Gallani, M A study of quasi-periodic ELF-VLF emissions at three Antarctic stations: Evidence for off-equatorial generation? Annales Geophysicae PDF
Morrison, K, Engebretson, MJ, Beck, JR, Johnson, JE, Arnoldy, RL, Cahill, Jr. LJ, Carpenter, DL The ULF modulation of ELF-VLF emissions close to the magnetospheric boundary Physical Signatures of Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Processes
Sonwalkar, VS, Inan, US, Helliwell, RA, Chmyrev, VM, Sobolev, YP, Ovcharenko, OY, Selegej, V Simultaneous observations of VLF ground transmitter signals on the DE 1 and COSMOS 1809 satellites: Detection of a magnetospheric caustic and a duct Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Pasko, V, Inan, US Recovery signatures of lightning-associated VLF perturbations as a measure of the lower ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Rodriguez, JV, Inan, US Heating of the nighttime D region by very low frequency transmitters Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Mielke, TA, Mideke, M Anomalous noise from whistlers and radio atmospherics due to quasi-transverse electromagnetic mode propagation of VLF signals in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide Radio Science PDF
Inan, US, Reising, S Global thunderstorm tracking via measurements of radio atmospherics at Palmer Station Antarctic Journal of the United States
Rodriguez, JV, Inan, US Electron density changes in the nighttime D region due to heating by very-low-frequency transmitters Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Inan, US, Brown, AD, Yarbrough, J Initial results from the PENGUIn ELF/VLF receiver at AGO-P2 Antarctic Journal of the United States
Paquette, JA, Matthews, DL, Rosenberg, TJ, Lanzerotti, L, Inan, US Source regions of long-period pulsation events in electron precipitation and magnetic fields at South Pole Station Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Sonwalkar, VS, Inan, US, Helliwell, RA, Molchanov, OA, Green, JL DE 1 VLF observations during Activny wave injection experiments Journal of Geophysical Research PDF


Taranenko, YN, Inan, US Interaction with the lower ionosphere of electromagnetic pulses from lightning – Heating, attachment, and ionization Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Helliwell, RA, Inan, US, Lauben, DS The heating of suprathermal ions above thunderstorm cells Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Poulsen, WL, Inan, US The scattering of VLF waves by localized ionospheric disturbances produced by lightning-induced electron precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Burgess, WC, Inan, US The role of ducted whistlers in the precipitation loss and equilibrium flux of radiation belt electrons Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Inan, US, Rodriguez, JV, Idone, VP VLF signatures of lightning-induced heating and ionization of thenighttime D-region Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Mielke, TA, Helliwell, RA Siple Station, Antarctica, experiments on staircase frequency ramps as approximations to continuous ramps Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Carpenter, DL, Giles, BL, Chappell, CR, Décréau, PME, Anderson, RR, Persoon, AM, Smith, AJ, Corcuff, Y, Canu, P Plasmasphere dynamics in the duskside bulge region: A new look atold topic Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Poulsen, WL, Inan, US, Bell, TF A multiple-mode three-dimensional model of VLF propagation in the earth-ionosphere waveguide in the presence of localized D region disturbances Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Taranenko, YN, Inan, US The interaction with the lower ionosphere of electromagnetic pulses from lightning: Excitation of optical emissions Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Ohnami, S, Hayakawa, M, Bell, TF, Ondoh, T Nonlinear wave-wave interactions in the subauroral ionosphere on the basis of ISIS-2 satellite observations of Siple station VLF signals Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Frank, LA, Williams, DJ, Roelof, EC Imagers for the magnetosphere, aurora, and plasmasphere (IMAP) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series
Henderson, TR, Sonwalkar, VS, Helliwell, RA, Inan, US, Fraser-Smith, AC A search for ELF/VLF emissions induced by earthquakes as observed in the ionosphere by the DE 2 satellite Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Lightning-induced effects on VLF/LF radio propagation AGARD, ELF/VLF/LF Radio Propagation and Systems Aspects 10 p (SEE N93-30727 11-32)
Inan, US Lightning-induced disturbances of the lower ionosphere, Low-latitude ionospheric physics, Proceedings of COSPAR Colloquium on Low-Latitude Ionospheric Physics held in Taipei, Taiwan COSPAR Colloquium on Low-Latitude Ionospheric Physics PDF
Whistlers and plasmaspheric hiss – Wave directions and three-dimensional propagation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF


Jasna, D, Inan, US, Bell, TF Precipitation of suprathermal (100 eV) electrons by oblique whistler waves Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Imhof, WL, Voss, HD, Mobilia, J, Datlowe, DW, Gaines, EE, McGlennon, JP, Inan, US Relativistic electron microbursts Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Taranenko, YN, Inan, US, Bell, TF Optical signatures of lightning-induced heating of the D region Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Cotton, PD, Smith, AJ, Wolf, TG, Poulsen, WL, Carpenter, DL The propagation of mixed polarization VLF (f = 5 kHz or less) radio waves in the Antarctic earth-ionosphere waveguide Radio Science PDF
Inan, US, Rodriguez, JV, Lev-Tov, S Ionospheric modification with a VLF transmitter Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Rodriguez, JV, Inan, US, Li, YQ, Holzworth, RH, Smith, AJ, Orville, RE, Rosenberg, TJ A case study of lightning, whistlers, and associated ionospheric effects during a substorm particle injection event Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Rodriguez, JV, Inan, US, Bell, TF D region disturbances caused by electromagnetic pulses from lightning Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Taranenko, YN, Inan, US, Bell, TF VLF-HF heating of the lower ionosphere and ELF wave generation Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Glukhov, VS, Pasko, V, Inan, US Relaxation of transient lower ionospheric disturbances caused by lightning-whistler-induced electron precipitation bursts Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Draganov, AB, Inan, US, Sonwalkar, VS, Bell, TF Magnetospherically reflected whistlers as a source of plasmaspheric hiss Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Mielke, TA, Helliwell, RA An experiment on the threshold effect in the coherent wave instability Geophysical Research Letters