

Inan, US, Shafer, DC, Yip, WY, Orville, RE Subionospheric VLF signatures of nighttime D region perturbationsin the vicinity of lightning discharges Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Fishman, GJ, Inan, US Observation of an ionospheric disturbance caused by a gamma-ray burst Nature PDF
Helliwell, RA VLF wave stimulation experiments in the magnetosphere from Siple Station, Antarctica Reviews of Geophysics PDF
Inan, US, Burgess, WC, Wolf, TG, Shater, DC, Orville, RE Lightning-associated precipitation of MeV electrons from the inner radiation belt Geophysical Research Letters PDF
A new global survey of ELF/VLF radio noise AGARD, Effects of Electromagnetic Noise and Interference on Performance of Military Radio Communication Systems 15 p (SEE N89-18565 11-32)
Sa, LAD, Helliwell, RA Structure of VLF whistler mode sideband waves in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Gurnett, DA, Inan, US Plasma wave observations with the Dynamics Explorer 1 spacecraft Reviews of Geophysics PDF
Poulsen, WL, Inan, US Satellite observations of a new type of discrete VLF emission at L below 4 Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Helliwell, RA VLF wave-injection experiments from Siple Station, Antarctica Advances in Space Research PDF


Inan, US Gyroresonant pitch angle scattering by coherent and incoherent whistler mode waves in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Inan, US, Carpenter, DL Lightning-induced electron precipitation events observed at L of about 2.4 as phase and amplitude perturbations on subionospheric VLF signals Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Neubert, T, Bell, TF, Storey, LRO Resonance between coherent whistler mode waves and electrons in the topside ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Armstrong, WC Lightning triggered from the earth’s magnetosphere as the source of synchronized whistlers Nature PDF
Carpenter, DL, Inan, US Seasonal, latitudinal and diurnal distributions of whistler-induced electron precipitation events Journal of Geophysical Research
Neubert, T, Bell, TF, Storey, LRO, Gurnett, DA The Space Shuttle as a platform for observations of ground-based transmitter signals and whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
James, HG, Bell, TF Spin modulation of spectrally broadened VLF signals Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Wave-induced particle precipitation from the magnetosphere and the associated ionospheric perturbations AGARD, The Aerospace Environment at High Altitudes and its Implications for Spacecraft Charging and Communications 10 p (SEE N87-26937 21-18)


Study of a QP/GP event at very high latitudes Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Measurements of Siple transmitter signals on the DE 1 satellite – Wave normal direction and antenna effective length Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Helliwell, RA, Inan, US, Katsufrakis, JP, Carpenter, DL Beat excitation of whistler mode sidebands using the Siple VLF transmitter Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Carpenter, DL, Sulic, DM, Smith, AJ The third hop whistler anomaly – Possible evidence of df/dt-dependent wave amplifications Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics PDF
Inan, US, Carpenter, DL On the correlation of whistlers and associated subionospheric VLF/LF perturbations Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Helliwell, RA, Carpenter, DL, Inan, US, Katsufrakis, JP Generation of band-limited VLF noise using the Siple transmitter – A model for magnetospheric hiss Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Inan, US Jovian VLF chorus and Io torus aurora Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Helliwell, RA SPR: The next two years EOS
Bell, TF The wave magnetic field amplitude threshold for nonlinear trapping of energetic gyroresonant and Landau resonant electrons by nonducted VLF waves in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research
Décréau, PME, Carpenter, DL, Chappell, CR, Green, JL, Waite, Jr. JH Latitudinal plasma distribution in the dusk plasmaspheric bulge – Refilling phase and quasi-equilibrium state Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Hurren, PJ, Smith, AJ, Carpenter, DL, Inan, US Burst precipitation induced perturbations on multiple VLF propagation paths in Antarctica Annales Geophysicae PDF
Tolstoy, A, Rosenberg, TJ, Inan, US, Carpenter, DL Model predictions of subionospheric VLF signal perturbations resulting from localized, electron precipitation-induced ionization enhancement regions Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Carpenter, DL Whistler studies of the plasmasphere shape and dynamics Advances in Space Research PDF
Radiometer Installation Scientific Bulletin PDF


Rastani, K DE 1 observations of Siple transmitter signals and associated sidebands Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Wave-induced precipitation as a loss process for radiation belt particles Advances in Space Research
Test particle modeling of wave-induced energetic electron precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
The Stanford University ELF/VLF radiometer project Measurement of the global distribution of ELF/VLF electromagnetic noise International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Walt, M Precipitation of radiation belt electrons by man-made waves A comparison between theory and measurement Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Subionospheric VLF/LF phase perturbations produced by lightning-whistler induced particle precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Lightning-induced electron precipitation from the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Lefeuvre, F Characterization of the sources of VLF hiss and chorus observed on Geos 1 Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Variable frequency VLF signals in the magnetosphere Associated phenomena and plasma diagnostics Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Correction to “Variable Frequency VLF Signals in the Magnetosphere: Associated Phenomena and Plasma Diagnostics” Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Dejnakarintra, M Transient tropospheric electric fields resulting from sudden changes in ionospheric conductivity Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Spectral broadening of VLF transmitter signals observed on DE 1 – A quasi-electrostatic phenomenon? Journal of Geophysical Research
A new type of VLF emission triggered at low altitude in the subauroral region by Siple Station VLF transmitter signals Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
High-amplitude VLF transmitter signals and associated sidebands observed near the magnetic equatorial plane on the ISEE 1 satellite Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Results from the SEEP active space plasma experiment – Effects onthe ionosphere Radio Science PDF
Whistler-triggered VLF noise bursts observed on the DE-1 satellite and simultaneously at Antarctic ground stations Annales Geophysicae PDF
Paschal, EW Recent research on magnetospheric wave-particle interactions National Institute Polar Research Memoirs PDF
Paschal, EW, Inan, US A new VLF method for studying burst precipitation near the plasmapause Journal of Geophysical Research PDF


Diurnal variation of burst precipitation effects on subionospheric VLF /LF signal propagation near L = 2 Journal of Geophysical Research PDF