

Haldoupis, C, Cohen, M, Cotts, B, Arnone, E, Inan, US Long-lasting D-region ionospheric modifications, caused by intense lightning in association with elve and sprite pairs Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Models of Ionospheric VLF Absorption of Powerful Ground Based Transmitters Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Golden, DI, Spasojevic, M, Li, W, Nishimura, Y Statistical modeling of plasmaspheric hiss amplitude using solar wind measurements and geomagnetic indices Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Cohen, MB, Golkowski, M, Lehtinen, NG ELF/VLF wave generation from the beating of two HF ionospheric heating sources Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Bunch, NL, Spasojevic, M, Shprits, YY Off-equatorial chorus occurrence and wave amplitude distributions as observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Instrument Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Douglas, ES, Culvenor, D, Strahler, A, Jupp, D, Martel, J, Newnham, G, Cook, T, Lovell, J, Mendillo, C, Marshall, R, Chakrabarti, S, Schaaf, C, Woodcock, C, Li, Z, Yang, X DWEL: A Dual-Wavelength Echidna Lidar for ground-based forest scanning IGARSS 2012 - 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium PDF
Maurya, AK, Singh, R, Veenadhari, B, Kumar, S, Cohen, MB, Selvakumaran, R, Pant, P, Singh, AK, Siingh, D, Inan, US Morphological features of tweeks and nighttime D-region ionosphere at tweek reflection height from the observations in the low-latitude Indian sector Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Haque, N, Inan, US, Pickett, JS Spatial dependence of banded chorus intensity near the magnetic equator Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Golden, DI, Spasojevic, M, Li, W, Nishimura, Y Statistical modeling of in situ hiss amplitudes using ground measurements Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Cohen, MB, Golkowski, M, Lehtinen, NG, Inan, US, McCarrick, MJ HF beam parameters in ELF/VLF wave generation via modulated heating of the ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Cohen, MB, Marshall, RA ELF/VLF recordings during the 11 March 2011 Japanese Tohoku earthquake Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Maurya, AK, Veenadhari, B, Singh, R, Kumar, S, Cohen, MB, Selvakumaran, R, Gokani, S, Pant, P, Singh, AK Nighttime D region electron density measurements from ELF-VLF tweek radio atmospherics recorded at low latitudes Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Cohen, MB, Inan, US Terrestrial VLF transmitter injection into the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Jin, G, Spasojevic, M, Jin, G, Inan, US Harmonic minimization waveforms for modulated heating experiments at HAARP Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Salut, MM, Abdullah, M, Graf, KL, Cohen, MB, Cotts, BRT, Kumar, S Long recovery VLF perturbations associated with lightning discharges Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Singh, R, Maurya, AK, Veenadhari, B, Kumar, S, Pant, P Very low latitude (L = 1.08) whistlers Geophysical Research Letters PDF


Cotts, Benjamin RT Longitudinal dependence of lightning-induced electron precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Bunch, NL, Spasojevic, M, Shprits, YY On the latitudinal extent of chorus emissions as observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Instrument Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Singh, R, Veenadhari, B, Maurya, AK, Kumar, S, Selvakumaran, R, Pant, P, Singh, AK D-region ionosphere response to the total solar eclipse of 22 July 2009 deduced from ELF-VLF tweek observations in the Indian sector Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Lehtinen, NG, Inan, US, Cohen, MB, Spasojevic, M, Jin, G The relationship between geophysical conditions and ELF amplitude in modulated heating experiments at HAARP: Modeling and experimental results Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Smith, SA, Baumgardner, J, Chakrabarti, S, Marshall, RA Continuous ground-based multiwavelength airglow measurements Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Parrot, M, Piddyachiy, D, Inan, US, Graf, KL DEMETER observations of ionospheric heating by powerful VLF transmitters Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Gjesteland, T, Collier, AB, Carlson, BE, Cohen, MB, Lehtinen, NG Confining the angular distribution of terrestrial gamma ray flash emission Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Golkowski, M, Cohen, MB, Inan, US, Carpenter, DL On the occurrence of ground observations of ELF/VLF magnetospheric amplification induced by the HAARP facility Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Sonwalkar, VS, Reddy, A, Proddaturi, R, Hazra, S, Mayank, K, Carpenter, DL Magnetospherically reflected, specularly reflected, and backscattered whistler mode radio-sounder echoes observed on the IMAGE satellite: 1. Observations and interpretation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Piddyachiy, D, Berthelier, JJ, Inan, US, Parrot, M DEMETER observations of the ionospheric trough over HAARP in relation to HF heating experiments Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Sonwalkar, VS, Reddy, A, Carpenter, DL Magnetospherically reflected, specularly reflected, and backscattered whistler mode radio-sounder echoes observed on the IMAGE satellite: 2. Sounding of electron density, ion effective mass, ion composition, and density irregularities Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Cohen, MB, Inan, US, Piddyachiy, D, Lehtinen, NG, Golkowski, M Magnetospheric injection of ELF/VLF waves with modulated or steered HF heating of the lower ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Lee, HK, Lilja, K, Linscott, I, Inan, US, Bounasser, M Design Framework for Soft-Error-Resilient Sequential Cells IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science PDF
Lu, G, van der Velde, OA, Cummer, SA, Lang, TJ, Lyons, WA, Rutledge, SA, Krehbiel, PR, Li, J, Rison, W, Thomas, RJ, Edens, HE, Stanley, MA, Beasley, W, MacGorman, DR Lightning development associated with two negative gigantic jets Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Foust, FR, Spasojevic, M, Inan, US Modeling scattering from lightning-induced ionospheric disturbances with the discontinuous Galerkin method Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Golkowski, M, Kubicki, M, Cohen, M, Kuzak, A Estimation of global lightning activity and observations of atmospheric electric field Acta Geophysica PDF
Facsko, G, Trotignon, JG, Pickett, JS, Haque, N, Haque, N Cluster Observations of Whistler Mode Ducts and Banded Chorus Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Spasojevic, M, Blum, LW, MacDonald, EA, Fuselier, SA, Golden, DI Correspondence between a plasma-based EMIC wave proxy and subauroral proton precipitation Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Golden, DI, Spasojevic, M, Inan, US Determination of solar cycle variations of midlatitude ELF/VLF chorus and hiss via automated signal detection Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Marshall, RA, Bortnik, J, Lehtinen, N, Chakrabarti, S Optical signatures of lightning-induced electron precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Graf, KL, Inan, US, Spasojevic, M Transmitter-induced modulation of subionospheric VLF signals: Ionospheric heating rather than electron precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
El-Lemdani Mazouz, F, Pincon, JL, Parrot, M, De Feraudy, H, Lehtinen, NG, Lefeuvre, F Asymmetric V-shaped streaks recorded on board DEMETER satellite above powerful thunderstorms Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Foust, FR, Spasojevic, M, Inan, US Discontinuous Galerkin particle-in-cell simulation of longitudinal plasma wave damping and comparison to the Landau approximation and the exact solution of the dispersion relation Physics of Plasmas PDF
Adachi, T, Otsuka, Y, Yamaoka, M, Yamamoto, M, Shiokawa, K, Chen, AB, Hsu, RR First satellite-imaging observation of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances by FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL Geophysical Research Letters PDF


{Nature Editors} Atmospheric physics: Bolt from the blue (Editor’s highlight on 2010-03) Nature PDF
Cohen, MB, Inan, US, Briggs, MS, Fishman, GJ, Connaughton, V, Cummer, SA A lightning discharge producing a beam of relativistic electrons into space Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Spasojevic, M Global estimates of plasmaspheric losses during moderate disturbance intervals Annales Geophysicae PDF
{Geophysical Research Letters Editors} Terrestrial gamma ray flashes pinpointed (Editor’s highlight on 2010-03) Geophysical Research Letters
Carlson, BE, Lehtinen, NG, Inan, US Terrestrial gamma ray flash production by active lightning leader channels Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Gibby, AR, Golkowski, M Amplitude and phase of nonlinear magnetospheric wave growth excited by the HAARP HF heater Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Streltsov, AV, Golkowski, M, Inan, US, Papadopoulos, KD Propagation of whistler mode waves with a modulated frequency in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Chevalier, T Fluid simulation of the collisionless plasma sheath surrounding an electric dipole antenna in the inner magnetosphere Radio Science PDF
Cummer, SA, Marshall, RA A survey of ELF and VLF research on lightning-ionosphere interactions and causative discharges Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Adachi, T, Yamaoka, M, Yamamoto, M, Otsuka, Y, Liu, H, Hsiao, C-C, Chen, AB, Hsu, RR Midnight latitude-altitude distribution of 630 nm airglow in the Asian sector measured with FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL Journal of Geophysical Research PDF