

Inan, US Long-Range Lightning Geo-Location Using a VLF Radio Atmospheric Waveform Bank Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Singh, R, Veenadhari, B, Cohen, MB, Pant, P, Singh, AK, Maurya, AK, Vohat, P Initial results from AWESOME VLF receivers: set up in low latitude Indian regions under IHY2007/UNBSSI program Current Science PDF
Streltsov, AV, Golkowski, M, Inan, US, Papadopoulos, KD Propagation of whistler mode waves with a modulated frequency in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Cohen, MB, Gjestland, T Geolocation of terrestrial gamma-ray flash source lightning Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Kendall, E, Marshall, R, Parris, RT, Bhatt, A, Coster, A, Todd, P, Bernhardt, P Decameter structure in heater-induced airglow at the High frequency Active Auroral Research Program facility Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Adachi, T, Yamaoka, M, Yamamoto, M, Otsuka, Y, Liu, H, Hsiao, C-C, Chen, AB, Hsu, RR Midnight latitude-altitude distribution of 630 nm airglow in the Asian sector measured with FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Cohen, MB, Paschal, EW Sensitive Broadband ELF/VLF Radio Reception With the AWESOME Instrument IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing PDF
Foust, FR, Inan, US, Lehtinen, NG Quasi-electrostatic whistler mode wave excitation by linear scattering of EM whistler mode waves from magnetic field-aligned density irregularities Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Cohen, MB, Inan, US, Briggs, MS, Fishman, GJ, Connaughton, V, Cummer, SA A lightning discharge producing a beam of relativistic electrons into space Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Harriman, SK, Paschal, EW Magnetic Sensor Design for Femtotesla Low-Frequency Signals IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing PDF
Golden, DI, Spasojevic, M, Foust, FR, Lehtinen, NG, Meredith, NP, Inan, US Role of the plasmapause in dictating the ground accessibility of ELF/VLF chorus Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Marshall, RA, Newsome, RT, Lehtinen, NG, Lavassar, N, Inan, US Optical signatures of radiation belt electron precipitation induced by ground-based VLF transmitters Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Cohen, MB, Golkowski, M, McCarrick, MJ ELF/VLF wave generation via ionospheric HF heating: Experimental comparison of amplitude modulation, beam painting, and geometric modulation Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Cohen, MB, Inan, US, Golkowski, M, Lehtinen, NG On the generation of ELF/VLF waves for long-distance propagation via steerable HF heating of the lower ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Spasojevic, M Global estimates of plasmaspheric losses during moderate disturbance intervals Annales Geophysicae PDF
Haldoupis, C, Amvrosiadi, N, Cotts, BRT, Chanrion, O More evidence for a one-to-one correlation between Sprites and Early VLF perturbations Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
NaitAmor, S, AlAbdoadaim, MA, Cohen, MB, Cotts, BRT, Soula, S, Chanrion, O, Abdelatif, T VLF observations of ionospheric disturbances in association with TLEs from the EuroSprite-2007 campaign Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Gibby, AR, Golkowski, M Amplitude and phase of nonlinear magnetospheric wave growth excited by the HAARP HF heater Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Newsome, RT, Inan, US Free-running ground-based photometric array imaging of transient luminous events Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Marshall, RA, Glukhov, VS Elves and associated electron density changes due to cloud-to-ground and in-cloud lightning discharges Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF


Carlson, B, Lehtinen, NG Terrestrial gamma ray flash production by lightning current pulses Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Lehtinen, NG Full-wave modeling of transionospheric propagation of VLF waves Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Jin, G, Spasojevic, M Relationship between electrojet current strength and ELF signal intensity in modulated heating experiments Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Lessard, MR, Weatherwax, AT, Spasojevic, M, Gerrard, A, Lanzerotti, L, Ridley, A, Engebretson, MJ, Petit, NJ, Clauer, R, LaBelle, J, Mende, SB, Frey, HU, Pilipenko, VA, Rosenberg, TJ, Detrick, D PENGUIn multi-instrument observations of dayside high-latitude injections during the 23 March 2007 substorm Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Starks, MJ, Quinn, RA, Piddyachiy, D, Parrot, M Modeling of Doppler-shifted terrestrial VLF transmitter signals observed by DEMETER Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Gemelos, ES, Walt, M, Parrot, M Seasonal dependence of energetic electron precipitation: Evidence for a global role of lightning Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Santolk, O, Parrot, M, Burevsová, D, Gurnett, DA, Chum, J Propagation of unducted whistlers from their source lightning: A case study Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Golkowski, M, Cohen, MB Cross modulation of whistler mode and HF waves above the HAARP ionospheric heater Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Parrot, M, Lehtinen, NG, Pinc con, JL Penetration of lightning MF signals to the upper ionosphere over VLF ground-based transmitters Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Golden, DI, Spasojevic, M Diurnal dependence of ELF/VLF hiss and its relation to chorus at L = 2.4 Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Papadopoulos, KD, Streltsov, AV, Golkowski, M Effect of frequency modulation on whistler mode waves in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Newsome, R High-Frame-Rate Reconstruction of a Dynamic 2-D Scene From Continuous Orthogonal Projections IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing PDF
Adachi, T, Cummer, SA, Li, J, Takahashi, Y, Hsu, R-R, Su, HT, Chen, AB, Mende, SB, Frey, HU Estimating lightning current moment waveforms from satellite optical measurements Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Cohen, MB, Golkowski, M Reply to comment by R. C. Moore and M. T. Rietveld on “Geometricmodulation: A more effective method of steerable ELF/VLF wave generation with continuous HF heating of the lower ionosphere” Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Graf, KL, Piddyachiy, D, Kulkarni, P, Parrot, M, Sauvaud, JA DEMETER observations of transmitter-induced precipitation of inner radiation belt electrons Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Spasojevic, M, Fuselier, SA Temporal evolution of proton precipitation associated with the plasmaspheric plume Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
de Keyser, J, Darrouzet, F, Gallagher, DL CLUSTER and IMAGE: New Ways to Study the Earth’s Plasmasphere Space Science Reviews PDF
Darrouzet, F, Gallagher, DL, André, N, Dandouras, I, Décréau, PME, de Keyser, J, Denton, RE, Foster, JC, Goldstein, J Plasmaspheric Density Structures and Dynamics: Properties Observed by the CLUSTER and IMAGE Missions Space Science Reviews PDF
Lefeuvre, F, Marshall, RA, Pinc con, JL, Inan, US, Lagoutte, D, Parrot, M, Berthelier, JJ On remote sensing of transient luminous events’ parent lightning discharges by ELF/VLF wave measurements on board a satellite Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Matsui, H, Foster, JC, Dandouras, I, Darrouzet, F, de Keyser, J, Gallagher, DL, Goldstein, J, Puhl-Quinn, PA, Vallat, C Electric Fields and Magnetic Fields in the Plasmasphere: A Perspective From CLUSTER and IMAGE Space Science Reviews PDF
Haque, N, Pickett, JS Source regions of banded chorus Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Masson, A, Santolk, O, Darrouzet, F, Décréau, PME, El-Lemdani Mazouz, F, Green, JL, Grimald, S, Nv emec,F Advances in Plasmaspheric Wave Research with CLUSTER and IMAGE Observations Space Science Reviews PDF


Carlson, B, Lehtinen, NG Runaway relativistic electron avalanche seeding in the Earth’s atmosphere Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Scherrer, D, Cohen, MB, Hoeksema, T, Mitchell, R, Scherrer, P Distributing space weather monitoring instruments and educational materials worldwide for IHY 2007: The AWESOME and SID project Advances in Space Research PDF
Carlson, B, Inan, US A novel technique for remote sensing of thunderstorm electric fields via the Kerr effect and sky polarization Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Piddyachiy, D, Kulkarni, P, Parrot, M Effects of plasma density irregularities on the pitch angle scattering of radiation belt electrons by signals from ground based VLF transmitters Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Parrot, M, Lehtinen, NG V-shaped VLF streaks recorded on DEMETER above powerful thunderstorms Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Kulkarni, P Energetic electron precipitation induced by space based VLF transmitters Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Bortnik, J, Thorne, RM Nonlinear interaction of energetic electrons with large amplitudechorus Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Cohen, MB, Golkowski, M Orientation of the HAARP ELF ionospheric dipole and the auroral electrojet Geophysical Research Letters PDF