

Foster, JC Plasmapause signatures in the ionosphere and magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Yavuz, D, Inan, US A novel approach for finding the spectrum of periodically modulated FM carriers IEEE Transactions on Communications PDF
Siple/Roberval magnetospheric wave-wave interaction experiments Antarctic Journal
New whistler evidence of a dynamo origin of electric fields in the quiet plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF


Troim, J Modification of the propagation characteristics of the ionosphere (and the magnetosphere) by injection into the magnetosphere of whistler-mode waves AGARD Artificial Modification of Propagation Media 8 p (SEE N77-19530 10-42)
The plasmapause as a VLF wave guide Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Raghuram, R Echo-induced suppression of coherent VLF transmitter signals in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Longitudinal variations of very-low-frequency chorus activity in the magnetosphere – Evidence of excitation by electrical power transmission lines Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Dejnakarintra, M The effects of magnetospheric convection on atmospheric electric fields in the polar cap Garmisch Conference PDF
VLF wave activity during a magnetic storm – A case study of the role of power line radiation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Dejnakarintra, M Thundercloud electric field in the ionosphere Garmisch Conference PDF
Whistler precursors – A possible catalytic role of power line radiation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Stimulated growth of coherent VLF waves in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Dunckel, N Spacecraft observations of man-made whistler-mode signals near the electron gyrofrequency Radio Science PDF
Protonospheric-ionospheric modeling of VLF ducts Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Grandal, B, Holtet, JA Coherent wave induced particle precipitation into the upper atmosphere NATO ASIC Proc. 35: Dynamical and Chemical Coupling Between the Neutral and Ionized Atmosphere
Cold plasma diagnostics using satellite measurements of VLF signals from ground transmitters Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Explorer 45 and Imp 6 observations in the magnetosphere of injected waves from the Siple Station VLF transmitter Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
A comparison of ULF and VLF measurements of magnetospheric cold plasma densities Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Raghuram, R A quiet band produced by VLF transmitter signals in the magnetosphere Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Active Very Low Frequency Experiments on the Magnetosphere from Siple Station, Antarctica Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series B PDF


Solar magnetic sector effects on the vertical atmospheric electric field at Vostok, Antarctica Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Meng, C-I Aftereffects of isolated magnetospheric substorm activity on the mid-latitude ionosphere – Localized depressions in F layer electron densities Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Ho, D Outlying plasmasphere structure detected by whistlers Planetary and Space Science PDF
Downward mapping of high-latitude ionospheric electric fields to the ground Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Magnetospheric chorus – Occurrence patterns and normalized frequency Planetary and Space Science PDF
The upper- and lower-frequency cutoffs of magnetospherically reflected whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Dunckel, N Kilometric type III burst enhancements associated with interplanetary shocks Solar Physics PDF
Substorm electric fields in the evening plasmasphere and their effects on the underlying F layer Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Carpenter, DL, Miller, TR Ducted magnetospheric propagation of signals from the Siple, Antarctica, VLF transmitter Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Carpenter, DL, Seely III, NT Cross-L plasma drifts in the outer plasmasphere – Quiet time patterns and some substorm effects Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Seely III, NT Whistler observations of the dynamical behavior of the plasmapause during June 17-22, 1973 Geophysical Research Letters PDF
ULF wave generation through particle precipitation induced by VLFtransmitters Journal of Geophysical Research PDF


Whistler observations during a magnetospheric sudden impulse Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Fast hisslers in substorms Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Inan, US Satellite observations of nonducted signals from the Siple transmitter Antarctic Journal PDF
Raghuram, R A new interpretation of subprotonospheric whistler characteristics Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Stiles, GS, Helliwell, RA Frequency-time behavior of artificially stimulated VLF emissions Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Banks, PM Influence of thermal plasma flow on the daytime F2 layer Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Burtis, WJ, Helliwell, RA Magnetospheric chorus – Amplitude and growth rate Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Bernhardt, P, Banks, PM Depletion of the F2 region ionosphere and the protonosphere by the release of molecular hydrogen Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Coherent VLF waves in the magnetosphere Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A PDF
Helliwell, RA, Katsufrakis, JP, Raghuram, R VLF line radiation in the earth’s magnetosphere and its association with power system radiation Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Carpenter, DL, Foster, JC, Rosenberg, TJ, Lanzerotti, L A subauroral and mid-latitude view of substorm activity Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Comment on ‘Fast time resolved spectral analysis of VLF banded emissions’ by F. V. Coroniti, R. W. Fredricks, C. F. Kennel, and F. L. Scarf Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Carpenter, DL, Miller, TR Siple Transmitter signals as diagnostic probes of the magnetosphere Antarctic Journal PDF


Some Features of Plasma Distribution in the Plasmasphere Deduced From Antarctic Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research PDF
Raghuram, R, Smith, R VLF Antarctic antenna: Impedance and efficiency IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation PDF
Carpenter, DL Notes on Broadband whistler measurements of electric fields and associated phenomena, reprint from Memoirs of National institute of Polar Research, Tokyo PDF
Helliwell, RA Controlled VLF Wave Injection Experiments in the Magnetosphere Space Science Reviews PDF