

Veronis, G Improvement of the Efficiency of Plasma Display Panels by Combining Waveform and Cell Geometry Design IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PDF
Spasojevic, M Ground based VLF observations near L = 2.5 during the Halloween 2003 storm Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Veronis, G Simulation of Self-Erase Discharge Waveforms in Plasma Display Panels IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PDF
Peter, WB Electron precipitation events driven by lightning in hurricanes Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Spasojevic, M, Thomsen, MF, Chi, PJ, Sandel, BR Afternoon subauroral proton precipitation resulting from ring current – plasmasphere interaction, Inner Magnetosphere Interactions: New Perspectives from Imaging AGU Geophysical Monograph PDF
Gerken, EA, Inan, US Streamers and Diffuse Glow Observed in Upper Atmospheric Electrical Discharges IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PDF
Marshall, RA, Inan, US, Neubert, T, Hughes, A, Sátori, G, Bór, J, Collier, A, Allin, TH Optical observations geomagnetically conjugate to sprite-producing lightning discharges Annales Geophysicae PDF
Horne, RB, Thorne, RM, Shprits, YY, Meredith, NP, Glauert, SA, Smith, AJ, Kanekal, SG, Baker, DN, Engebretson, MJ, Posch, JL, Spasojevic, M, Inan, US, Pickett, JS, Décréau, PME Wave acceleration of electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts Nature PDF
Inan, US, Lehtinen, NG Production of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes by an electromagneticpulse from a lightning return stroke Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Platino, M, Inan, US, Gurnett, DA, Pickett, JS, Canu, P, Décréau, PME Whistlers observed by the Cluster spacecraft outside the plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Mika, A, Haldoupis, C, Marshall, RA, Neubert, T, Inan, US Subionospheric VLF signatures and their association with sprites observed during EuroSprite-2003 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics PDF
Peter, WB, Chevalier, M, Inan, US Subionospheric VLF measurements of the effects of geomagnetic storms on the mid-latitude D-region 11th International Ionosphere Effects Symposium PDF
Kosch, MJ, Pedersen, T, Hughes, J, Marshall, RA, Senior, A, Sentman, D, McCarrick, M, Djuth, FT Artificial optical emissions at HAARP for pump frequencies near the third and second electron gyro-harmonic Annales Geophysicae PDF
Marshall, RA High-speed telescopic imaging of sprites Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Neubert, T, Allin, TH, Blanc, E, Farges, T, Haldoupis, C, Mika, A, Soula, S, Knutsson, L, van der Velde, OA, Marshall, RA, Inan, US, Sátori, G, Bór, J, Hughes, A, Collier, A, Laursen, S, Rasmussen, IL Co-ordinated observations of transient luminous events during theEuroSprite2003 campaign Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics PDF


Inan, US, Golkowski, M, Reddell, N, Moore, R, Paschal, EW, Kossey, P, Kennedy, E, Meth, S Multi-hop whistler-mode ELF/VLF signals and triggered emissions excited by the HAARP HF heater Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Lemaire, J The Plasmasphere Boundary Layer Annales Geophysicae PDF
Sonwalkar, VS, Spasojevic, M, Inan, US, Li, J, Chen, X, Venkatasubramanian, A, Harikumar, J, Benson, RF, Taylor, WWL Diagnostics of magnetospheric electron density and irregularitiesat altitudes <5000 km using whistler and Z mode echoes from radio sounding on the IMAGE satellite Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Goldstein, J, Sandel, BR, Thomsen, MF, Spasojevic, M, Reiff, P Simultaneous remote sensing and in situ observations of plasmaspheric drainage plumes Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Spasojevic, M, Frey, HU, Thomsen, MF, Fuselier, SA, Gary, SP, Sandel, BR, Inan, US The link between a detached subauroral proton arc and a plasmaspheric plume Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Inan, US, Platino, M, Pickett, JS, Kossey, P, Kennedy, EJ CLUSTER observations of lower hybrid waves excited at high altitudes by electromagnetic whistler mode signals from the HAARP facility Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Haldoupis, C, Neubert, T, Inan, US, Mika, A, Allin, TH, Marshall, RA Subionospheric early VLF signal perturbations observed in one-to-one association with sprites Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Inan, US, Platino, M, Gurnett, DA, Pickett, JS Cluster measurements of rapidly moving sources of ELF/VLF chorus Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Peter, WB On the occurrence and spatial extent of electron precipitation induced by oblique nonducted whistler waves Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Chevalier, M, Inan, US A PML Using a Convolutional Curl Operator and a Numerical Reflection Coefficient for General Linear Media IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation PDF
Comparison of photometric measurements and charge moment estimations in two sprite-producing storms Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Walt, M, Voss, HD Proton precipitation during magnetic storms in August through November 1998 Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Platino, M, Inan, US, Pickett, JS, Kennedy, E, Trotignon, J, Rauch, J, Canu, P Cluster observations of ELF/VLF signals generated by modulated heating of the lower ionosphere with the HAARP HF transmitter Annales Geophysicae PDF
Engebretson, MJ, Posch, JL, Halford, AJ, Shelburne, GA, Smith, AJ, Spasojevic, M, Inan, US, Arnoldy, RL Latitudinal and seasonal variations of quasiperiodic and periodic VLF emissions in the outer magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Remote sensing the Earth’s plasmasphere Radio Science Bulletin PDF
Wood, T, Inan, US Localization of individual lightning discharges via directional and temporal triangulation of sferic measurements at two distant sites Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres) PDF


Inan, US, Bortnik, J, Albert, JM Controlled precipitation of radiation belt electrons Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Bortnik, J, Inan, US Energy distribution and lifetime of magnetospherically reflecting whistlers in the plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Bainbridge, G, Inan, US Ionospheric D region electron density profiles derived from the measured interference pattern of VLF waveguide modes Radio Science PDF
Pedersen, T, McCarrick, M, Selcher, C, Sentman, D, Carlson, HC, Gurevich, A Magnetic zenith enhancement of HF radio-induced airglow production at HAARP Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Spasojevic, M, Goldstein, J, Carpenter, DL, Inan, US, Sandel, BR, Moldwin, MB Global response of the plasmasphere to a geomagnetic disturbance Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Fung, S, Benson, RF, Carpenter, DL, Green, JL, Jayanti, V, Galkin, IA Guided echoes in the magnetosphere: Observations by Radio Plasma Imager on IMAGE Geophysical Research Letters PDF
Moore, R, Barrington-Leigh, CP, Inan, US Early/fast VLF events produced by electron density changes associated with sprite halos Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Carpenter, DL, Inan, US, Benson, RF, Sonwalkar, VS, Gallagher, DL Z-mode sounding within propagation “cavities” and other inner magnetospheric regions by the RPI instrument on the IMAGE satellite Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Mann, IR, Carpenter, DL, Clilverd, MA, Menk, FW, Milinevski, G, Sandel, BR, Goldstein, J, Wilford, CR, Rose, MC, Thomson, NR, Yearby, KH In situ and ground-based intercalibration measurements of plasma d ensity at L = 2.5 Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Bortnik, J, Inan, US Frequency-time spectra of magnetospherically reflecting whistlers in the plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Goldstein, J, Spasojevic, M, Reiff, P, Sandel, BR, Forrester, WT, Gallagher, DL Identifying the plasmapause in IMAGE EUV data using IMAGE RPI in situ steep density gradients Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Inan, US Observations of decameter-scale morphologies in sprites Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics PDF


Barrington-Leigh, CP, Pasko, V, Inan, US Exponential relaxation of optical emissions in sprites Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Inan, US Lightning effects at high altitudes: sprites, elves, and terrestrial gamma ray flashes Applied Physics
Veronis, G, Inan, US Cell geometry designs for efficient plasma display panels Journal of Applied Physics PDF
Bortnik, J, Inan, US L dependence of energetic electron precipitation driven by magnetospherically reflecting whistler waves Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Walt, M, Voss, HD, Pickett, JS Electron precipitation coincident with ELF/VLF wave bursts Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF
Mende, SB, Frey, HU, Rairden, R, Su, HT, Hsu, R-R, Allin, TH, Neubert, T, Gerken, EA, Inan, US Fine Structure of Sprites and Proposed Global Observations Space Weather Study Using Multipoint Techniques PDF
Clilverd, MA, Nunn, D, Lev-Tov, S, Inan, US, Dowden, RL, Rodger, CJ, Smith, AJ Determining the size of lightning-induced electron precipitation patches Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) PDF