

  • Robert Moore
    Moore, R. C, U. S. Inan, T. F. Bell (2004), ELF/VLF Waves Generated by an Artificially-Modulated Auroral Electrojet Above the HAARP HF Transmitter, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SA21C-0377.
  • William Peter
    Peter, W. B., U. S. Inan (2004), Precipitation of bursts of energetic electrons from the slot region driven by lightning-induced whistlers, GEM Summer workshop, Snowmass, Colorado, June 20-25.
  • Benjamin Cotts
    Cotts, B. R. T., U. S. Inan, Short range VLF sky wave observations of ects AGU, Poster, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 13-17 2004 Outstanding Student Paper Award.
  • William Peter
    Peter, W. B., U. S. Inan (2004), The Influence of Geomagnetic Storms on the D-Region at Mid-Latitudes, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM23A-0493.
  • Michael Chevalier
    Chevalier, M. W., U. S. Inan (2004), Remote Sensing of Relativistic Electron Precipitation Using a VLF Beacon Transmitter at South Pole, GEM Summer Workshop, Snowmass, CO, USA, June 20-25.
  • William Peter
    Peter, W. B., U. S. Inan (2004), Electron precipitation events driven by lightning in hurricanes, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Sprites, Elves, and Intense Lightning Discharges, Corsica, July.


  • Benjamin Cotts
    Cotts, B. R. T., U. S. Inan (2003), Precipitation of Energetic Electrons by Magnetospherically Reflecting (MR) Whistlers, AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, poster AE42A-0795, San Francisco, CA, December 8-12.
  • Robert Marshall
    Marshall, R. A., U. S. Inan (2003), Optical observations of sprites in South Africa, AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, poster AE42A-0794, San Francisco, CA, December 8-12.
  • William Peter
    Peter, W. B., U. S. Inan (2003), Characteristics of non-ducted whistler-induced electron precipitation, AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, poster SM42C-0621, San Francisco, CA, December 8-12.
  • William Peter
    Peter, W. B. (2003), Electrodynamics of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, GEM 2003 Summer Workshop, Snowmass, Colorado, June 22-27.


  • William Peter
    Peter, W. B., U. S. Inan (2002), A statistical look at the occurrence of lightning induced electron precipitation, GEM 2002 Summer workshop, Telluride, CO, June 24-28.
  • William Peter
    Peter, W. B., U. S. Inan (2002), Nighttime variation in the VLF mode structure of the earth-ionosphere waveguide, 2002 CEDAR workshop, Longmont, CO, June 16-21.