Donald Carpenter
Position :
Emeritus Professor
Bio :
Research Areas
- Very Low Frequency Radio Propagation
- Solar Terrestrial Physics
- B.S., Williamette University
- M.A., Columbia University
- M.S., Stanford University
- Ph.D., Stanford University
Specific Research Interests
- magnetospheric thermal plasma structure and dynamics
- perturbations of the ionosphere
- VLF propagation in the ionosphere and magnetosphere
Other Information
- At Stanford since 1962; on faculty since 1974
- Member: Sigma Xi, American Geophysical Union
- Former member of the Executive Committee of Commission IV of the USA National Committee of URSI; co-chairman of the International URSI-IAGA Working Group on Passive EM Probing of the Magnetosphere (1975-1981); former Member of the Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Research of the GRB of the NAS; former associate editor for URSI of Radioscience and former associate editor of the Journal of Geophysical Research.
- Author of over 50 technical papers