Overview and early results of the Global Lightning and Sprite Measurements mission

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Publication Type Journal Article
VLF Publication Number 2015-07
Year Of Publication 2015
Authors Sano, T, Kikuchi, H, Abe, T, Adachi, T, Nakamura, M, Suzuki, M, Oda, H, Yamazaki, A, Kawasaki, ZI, Takahashi, Y, Inan, US, Linscott, I, Ishida, R, Sato, M, Sakamoto, Y, Ushio, T, Yoshida, K, Morimoto, T, Hobara, Y, Kikuchi, M
Journal Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Volume 120
Pages 3822---3851
doi 10.1002/2014JD022428
Date Published 05/2015
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