Jul 14 ELF waves generated by modulated HF heating of the auroral electrojet and observed at a ground distance of ~{}4400 km
Jul 14 Small-scale field-aligned plasmaspheric density structures inferred from the Radio Plasma Imager on IMAGE
Jul 14 Properties of the magnetospheric hot plasma distribution deduced from whistler mode wave injection at 2400 Hz: Ground-based detection of azimuthal structure in magnetospheric hot plasmas
Jul 14 Probing properties of the magnetospheric hot plasma distribution by whistler mode wave injection at multiple frequencies: Evidence of spatial as well as temporal wave growth
Jul 14 Simultaneous observations of VLF ground transmitter signals on the DE 1 and COSMOS 1809 satellites: Detection of a magnetospheric caustic and a duct
Jul 14 ELF/VLF wave generation via ionospheric HF heating: Experimental comparison of amplitude modulation, beam painting, and geometric modulation
Jul 14 Penetration of lightning MF signals to the upper ionosphere over VLF ground-based transmitters